About us

About us

The Origin Story

Once upon a recent time, in the bustling marketplace of Etsy, emerged a community known as Coplenty. Our humble beginnings were rooted in a simple yet profound realization: the power of organized finances to unlock a stress-free life. As a couple who once navigated the turbulent waters of overspending, we discovered serenity and control amidst the columns and rows of spreadsheets. It was through this personal journey of triumph over financial chaos that the essence of Coplenty was conceived.

The Mission and Community

With the birth of Coplenty, we embarked on a mission to extend the peace and stability we found, to countless others. Our community burgeoned, resonating with the shared desires of individuals to reclaim control over their finances, to banish the nightly fret over dwindling funds, and to unveil a life where money was a friend, not a foe. Our Etsy storefront became a beacon of hope for many, and the testament to this is the trust placed in us by over 50,000 customers. Each customer embarked on a voyage with us toward financial literacy, stress-free living, and the reclaiming of time once lost to money woes. They found not just templates, but a pathway to a new way of life, a journey to financial freedom.

Why Choose Coplenty

We, at Coplenty, are not just a store; we’re a narrative of transformation, from disarray to organization, from anxiety to peace. As Edmund Burke once said, commanding our wealth makes us rich and free. This ethos is the cornerstone of Coplenty, and every spreadsheet we share is a page in this ever-evolving story of financial empowerment. As you explore Coplenty, remember, you’re not merely browsing products; you’re stepping into a story of triumph, community, and the shared pursuit of a life unburdened by financial stress. Welcome to Coplenty, where your journey to freedom isn’t a fairy tale, but a reality awaiting your grasp. Welcome to our ever-growing community, united in the quest for a stress-free, financially empowered life.